Services provided by Julie Edwards to assist you to develop your team
Education is my passion, as an education designer I provide the following services:
- Vocational Education & Training Unit Resource Packs
- Design in-house courses in leadership and management. Topics include, but are not limited to communication, conflict management, human relations, team building, creating a learning environment, project management, time management, and negotiation.
- Higher Education subject design for online, blended, and face-to-face delivery.
- Present workshops and seminars related to sales, education and training, communication, developing your employees, and more.
- Design and host leadership retreats
- Create content specifically designed to be used on the Moodle or other online learning platforms.
I work with my clients to determine what they need and offer solutions to assist them.
For more information and to discuss your requirements please do not hesitate to contact me via the link below.